Thursday, 22 May 2008

Climb of Nevado Pisco (5752m), Cordillera Blanca, Peru

My dad and I climbed Mt Pisco in 4 days. We were taken right up to 3900m my minivan where we went for a walk and camped the night. Day 2 we woke up early and hauled our stuff to base camp. Day 3 we walked to high camp and camped at 4900m. Day 4 we left at 1.40am under a full moon, and after 7 hours we were on the summit. We walked back to the road that same day and took another minivan back to civilization.Our tents at basecamp (4660m) with Pisco in the background.

Pisco. We climbed the ridge from the left side.

Nevado Huandoy (6395m) in sunrise.

My dad ascending the ridge around 6am.

Our tracks coming down the highly glaciated summit cap.

My dad looking out over the highest mountain in peru (the rounded one at the back) - Nevado HuascarĂ¡n - southern peak the rounded one at the back (6768m) and northern peak on the right in front (6655m).

My dad on the summit. Chacraraju (6112m) is directly behind and PirĂ¡mide (5885m) to the left.

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Tourist Atractions in Peru

Cruising around in Peru there are some things you just have to see... Machu Pichu is one of the most impressive acheological sites in the world.

You go there to soak up the atmosphere and the surroundings I say, not just to look at a bunch of old stones - go climb MOUNT Machu Pichu!!

The floating islands of Lake Titikaca (3800m). They are made of roots and reeds that need to be constantly replaced.

They travel around and between islands on these cool reed boats that take like 3 months to build and then last for about a year before they disintegrate.

The Colca Canyon. Aparently the second deepest canyon in the world at just over 3000m! But how do you measure it? Obviously from the top of the highest mountain to the bottom. We did a walk down to the bottom of the canyon from a town and only had to drop down 1200m. Still it is an amazing place and the canyon is big enough.

The Nazca Lines. Got a good deal, did the 30min flight. These lines were made 100's of years ago before planes existed, and are one of the worlds great misteries as to why and how they were made - when there true form can only be seen and apreciated from the air (they are massive). The above foto is of a spider.